Anyone who has ever bought a lucky dip or picked some number for the lottery will have had a conversation with their friends and loved ones, pondering how they would spend their winnings. An apartment in New York, perhaps? A mansion with a swimming pool? A private jet? Everyone’s got their own ideas for how […]
Gambling Blog
Apocalypse Betting & Other Weird Bets
Ask most people what they imagine by the phrase ‘novelty bet’ and they’d probably mention having a wager on who will win the Oscars or the name of the next baby born into the Royal Family. The truth is, however, that there are significantly weirder bets you can place than that if you’re willing to […]
How Will the FOBT Stake Reduction Affect High Street Bookmakers?
Few stories in recent years have had the same traction for the betting industry as the British government’s decision to reduce the stakes that can be played on Fixed Odds Betting Terminals. In terms of pure column inches, there were stories on how much the stakes should be reduced by, what the experts think and […]
Male Breast Implants, 30 Days in the Dark and Other Crazy Prop Bets
Have you ever started a conversation with a friend by saying ‘how much would I have to pay you to…’? If so then you’ve essentially entered into the world of what is known as ‘prop betting’. It stands for ‘proposition betting’ and there are two types of prop bets: Side bets placed during games, such […]
Underwater Hockey, Chess Boxing & Other Weird Sports
If you’ve never heard or ‘Underwater Hockey’, ‘Chess Boxing’ or ‘Bossaball’ then this article is for you. Join us as we take a look into ten of the worlds weirdest competitive sports.